Our Story

Ladies on the Lamb is a nonprofit organization consisting of Texas business women and female entrepreneurs who raise money to support the Texas 4-H and FFA young men and women who raise, show and sell lambs.

When Rebecca Clegg Emery first attended the Junior Livestock Sale in 2000, she recalls being swept up by the auction’s momentum. After watching the frenzied bidding process over goats, pigs, and steers, she noticed that the lambs lacked any formal buying support.

“I really wanted to do something, but I wasn’t sure how to go about it or how to raise the money,” said Emery. Nearly a year later, Rebecca crossed paths with then Fort Worth Stock Show Syndicate Chairman Gary Ray, on the eve of the 2001 sale. She relayed her hope that the lambs would see more financial support and was shocked by his immediate support. “That needs to happen tomorrow,” he said. “You come to the sale tomorrow and buy the Grand and Reserve Champion lambs. Don’t worry about how much it costs—the money will be there.”

One day and $6,000 later, Emery purchased the two lambs at the Junior Live Stock Sale doubling the previous year’s prices. She carried that momentum into the next year, involving other local business women and entrepreneurs to create what is now Ladies on the Lamb — a nonprofit organization consisting of Texas business women and female entrepreneurs who raise money to support the Texas 4-H and FFA young men and women who raise, show and sell lambs.

“The Texas 4-H and FFA programs require a tremendous amount of discipline from these young men and women to raise, feed and care for their animals in addition to their school work. We reward them for showing up, doing the work, and for a job well done,” Emery said.

To date, Ladies on the Lamb and its 35 members have raised and spent well over $1.2 million dollars on lambs at the Fort Worth Stock Show and in the state of Texas.