
“Thank you for purchasing my Grand Champion Lamb at the Fort Worth Stock Show. I truly appreciate everything y’all do year after year to support the hardworking youth of Texas. I plan to use the money for future investments in the show industry and also to help me in college. Thank y’all once again for forming such an awesome buyers group full of awesome ladies. I cannot thank y’all enough.” -Trey B, Leakey, TX

“Thank you for purchasing my lamb at the 2017 Fort Worth Livestock Show and Rodeo. My lamb was awarded Reserve Champion Dorper lamb. This was my fifth year to show, my third year to show at Fort Worth, and my first year to make the Premium Sale. I plan to attend Texas A&M University and the money I received from the sale of my lamb will go into my college fund to help me achieve my goals. In addition to showing livestock, I enjoy running cross country and pole vaulting. Thank you for all of your support.” -Kendall B, College Station, TX

“Thank you so much for buying my Champion Southdown lamb at the FWSSR. My family has been showing at Fort Worth since 2004 when my oldest brother exhibited a steer and we had never made the sale at Fort Worth until this year! I am very grateful for your generosity and support of the youth across Texas. I plan to use this money to go to college in two years. Thank you again and thanks for making the FWSSR sale a wonderful memory I will never forget.” -Carlye W, Seminole, TX

“Thank you so much for buying both of my lambs at the Fort Worth Stock Show! Your support means so much to me and my family. My sister, Cameron, says she misses you and told me to thank you for everything. You truly have made an impact on our lives and I want to thank you for that.” -Peyton C, Comfort, TX

“Thank you so much for purchasing my Reserve Grand Champion lamb at the Fort Worth Stock Show. Your support of the entire lamb show and the sale is amazing. There is absolutely no way it would be a success without you. This was my third year showing and to win this honor was amazing. I hope to be taking my picture with you ladies again next year. Thanks again for all your support.” -Hudson F, Shallowater, TX

“Thank you all so much for purchasing my Grand Champion Finewool cross lamb this year at the Fort Worth Stock Show. I have had such an amazingly bittersweet year this year because it is my last year to show. You all have made a huge impact on my life that I will forever be grateful for. All the money I received from the auction will go straight toward funding my college. I will be attending Texas A&M in the fall. This show has been an amazing experience for me and I can’t thank y’all enough for impacting not only my life but so many youth across the state of Texas. Y’all have truly blessed my life.” -Tara G, Early, TX

“Thank you for your tremendous support for the youth in Tarrant County. Your support made my first year showing at Tarrant County Junior Livestock Show a real treat! My lamb ‘Flash’ was a great learning experience with Mansfield FFA. The market animal projects is a great way to learn time management and dedication. It all paid off this year. Thanks again.” -Aidyn A, Mansfield, TX

“I’d like to thank you for all the support you have given me and my sheep these past years. It’s sad to think that I’m writing my last thank you letter, but I’m very excited to see what God has planned next for my life. Doing 4-H and showing sheep has made a huge impact on me and made me the person I am today. It taught me discipline, leadership, patience, dedication, how to work well with other and even brought me closer with my family. I’ve been blessed to receive many opportunities through 4-H such as being the president for my club, hosting fun activities, being invited to a luncheon hosted by Ladies on the Lamb, sharing my passion for animals with others and multiple excused absences from school (my favorite part, haha). I’ve done Rendon 4-H for as long as I can remember, following in my older siblings’ footsteps, and never regretted it for a single moment. Raising new sheep every year to sell at Tarrant County is always bittersweet to me. Sweet because it allows me to show off all my hard work, and bitter because I’ve always grown so attached to my animals (rookie mistake, I know) so it’s sad to send them off to the truck. With the money I receive, I will help payoff some things I own, tithe, splurge A LITTLE and then put the rest in savings for college and other future plans. Thank you again for every little thing you have done for me to get me here. I’ll never forget it.” -Jessica N, Mansfield, TX

“Thank you so much for your continued support of the Fort Worth Stock Show. Your group does an amazing job of raising money for the lamb sale. The money you all raise helps pay for college and future show animals. Thank you so much for your continued support.” -Stran S, Mason, TX

“Thank you for adding on to the sale of my 1st place lamb at the Tarrant County Junior Livestock Show. Thanks to you I will be able to continue to chase my dreams. You inspire me to work hard and do my best. Thanks again for rewarding me for my hard work.” -Danielle M, Fort Worth, TX